When it rains it pours, but most times it's not a Luke Combs song.

We've all had one of those day. It's just one thing after another leaving you wondering where the light at the end of the tunnel is.

The day started in the Emergency Room at 2 A.M. with our daughter barely able to breathe because her tonsils were so swollen, a problem she's been dealing with for 2 weeks. She's covered under her father's military insurance and they won't cover having them removed. A case is being built to have it done by her primary doctor but the pain while she waits is unnecessary.

The day ended with an emergency visit to vets office with our dog after what may have been a seizure. The vet kept her overnight to run tests and figure out what happened. She may have a disease that's treatable but she may also have a brain tumor that requires a $1500 MRI to confirm.

Some days there isn't even enough wine to get through. When's the downpour of good luck Luke Combs?


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