Want to be a Farmer – Here’s What You Need to Know
As more and more of Americans become concerned about food chain safety, more people consider growing their own. And with the average age of current farmers hitting the mid 50's, there are more incentives to join the agriculture. Cornell Cooperative Extension has what you need to know.
CCE will present a workshop on what it takes to be a farmer. The session will cover planning, (what would you produce), acquiring farmland (it's expensive) and where you can get help and financing. Two great sites are the “Northeast Beginning Farmers Project” to the “New Farmers Grant Fund Program."
The workshop is Saturday, March 4 at the Extensions' offices at 121 Second Street, Oriskany. It runs from 9 am until 3 pm with a light lunch provided. Cost to attend is $15 per person or $25 per couple, veterans are eligible to have the costs covered. While it's not required, it would be appreciated, if you preregistered to make sure there are enough handouts and food. . For more information or to register contact Bonnie Collins at 315-736- 3394 extension 104 or email: bsc33@cornell.edu.
SOURCE:Cornell Cooperative Extension - Bonnie Collins