Upstate New York Teen Catchs Record Fish But May Not Report It
Upstate New York Teen catches record fish, but may not report it. Hannah McCarty of Redwood hauled in a longnose gar that weighed in at 13 pounds, 3 ounces, not only equaling the state record in weight but in length too. So why won't she send in the paperwork to make it official?
In an interview with Upstate, 18-year-old Hannah says the fish was caught in Butterfield Lake not far from her home in Jefferson County. She adds, there are bigger ones in the lake, in fact, she has even hooked a larger one but couldn't net it. She doesn't want to tie the record but is determined to have the state record all to herself.
You can read more on her story at Would you tie the record and then set your sights on breaking it or hold out like Hannah?