Did Ted Bundy Have Any Connections To New York?
It seems that serial killer Ted Bundy is everywhere right now. He is the point of interest in a just released movie at Sundance starring Zac Efron called Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. A Netflix documentary was also recently released: Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes. Did Bundy have any sort of connections to New York?
The night before his execution, Bundy confessed to 30 homicides, but the true total remains unknown. He confessed to murders in the states of Washington, Utah, Colorado, Florida, Oregon, Idaho, and California. Did he have any in New York? It doesn't look like it.
Ted Bundy's connection to New York was a Professor of Psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine named Dorothy Otnow Lewis. Lewis specializes in the study of violent individuals and people with Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder.
Initially Lewis diagnosed Bundy with bipolar disorder, but later changed that:
She also suggested the possibility of a multiple personality disorder, based on behaviors described in interviews and court testimony: a great-aunt witnessed an episode during which Bundy "seemed to turn into another, unrecognizable person ... [she] suddenly, inexplicably found herself afraid of her favorite nephew as they waited together at a dusk-darkened train station. He had turned into a stranger." Lewis recounted a prison official in Tallahassee describing a similar transformation: "He said, 'He became weird on me.' He did a metamorphosis, a body and facial change, and he felt there was almost an odor emitting from him. He said, 'Almost a complete change of personality ... that was the day I was afraid of him.'""
You can learn more about Bundy's story when the highly-anticipated Efron film comes out later this year, or by watching the previously mentioned Netflix documentary.