Take A Veteran Fishing No License Required
New York's Department of Environmental Conservation holds free fishing days or weekends several times a year. The final one for 2020 happens to coincide with Veteran's Day, November 11, giving us the opportunity to take a very deserving person out for some fun.
There are three hopes behind free fishing weekends. To encourage people to try fishing for the first time, bring back someone who hasn't fished in a long time, or encourage an angler from outside of New York to try some of our premiere fishing spots. While often the program is meant to encourage taking a child to the water, this final one of the year is to add veterans to the list of first time anglers.
The free fishing day means you can fish any of New York's fresh and marine waters without license or marine registry. All other fishing regulations are still in force when it comes to size limits and creel limits.
More information on Free Fishing Weekends and the I FISH NY program are at the DEC's website.

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