As they say, "opinions are like noses, everyone has one." That seems to be the case with the "tail docking" of dairy cows. Some see no problem with the practice, while others are dead set against the procedure. 

The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) announced last month that dairy producers who currently implement the practice of tail docking their calves have until December 31st 2016 when this common dairy animal care practice will be phased out. The issue of tail docking in the dairy industry has made its way into the media and animal activists’ spot light numerous times in the past decade.

According to NMPF representatives, it is the voice of consumers that are speaking up and showing a strong dislike to this procedure. Dairy producers who’s cooperatives belong to NMPF or who are members of the National FARM (Farmers Assuring Responsible Management) program will be expected to comply to this change. It is unclear at this time how the change will be monitored or enforced. For further information please contact Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oneida County at 736-3394 ext 132

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