
What Central New Yorkers Can Do About Weather Depression
What Central New Yorkers Can Do About Weather Depression
What Central New Yorkers Can Do About Weather Depression
Weather Depression is a real thing. It's the inexplicable sadness that happens when the sun stays away because of extended periods of rain or snow or because winter doesn't seem to know when enough is enough. Weather Depression is actually called Seasonal Affective Disorder, aka SAD. Which is fancy way of saying "I wish I had a Harry Potter wand that could instantly make the sun appear".
Hey CNY! Eat These Foods to Ease SAD
Hey CNY! Eat These Foods to Ease SAD
Hey CNY! Eat These Foods to Ease SAD
Whew! This extended sort-of-winter--but it's-really-been-spring-for-a-few-months-now--weather is draining, yes? What is this feeling we only seem to feel when it seems like it has been winter forever? It's called SAD and studies show you can eat these foods to feel better.
Saddest Kids’ Movies [VIDEO]
Saddest Kids’ Movies [VIDEO]
Saddest Kids’ Movies [VIDEO]
Remember back to childhood. All the funny television shows and action packed movies we used to watch. Now, think back to the movies that made us really sad. Which movie, intended for kids, made you sad the most? Well, Time Magazine has found the Top 10 Saddest Kids' Movies.