That dreaded new area code process is going to begin as soon as next week. With these new procedures in effect, it will allow customers to begin the transitional phase of the new plan. One phone company has already provided all the information phone customers need to know about the three phase plan. It turns out the change is not so scary after all.
The public pay phone has nearly become extinct. It is the equivalent to dial-up internet or the pony express. But at the Stewarts Shop in Clinton there is still a working pay phone for anyone to use. What's cool is it's still only a quarter for local calls!
The 315 area code has been the identity of Central New York for years and by early 2017 that is likely to change. Because of the threat of a shortage of 315 phone number combinations, the Public Service commission announced they have been directed to implement 680 as the new area code for a good portion of New York state by first quarter of 2017.
I was a little leary about reading this since it came from my MOTHER with THAT title. Now I'm so glad I did. Funniest thing I've seen all day. Enjoy :)
We all have way too much on our minds, so it's not unusual at the end of the day to say, "Where did I put my car keys"? Well, this morning, I pulled an all-time stupid stunt. I left home with our cordless home phone (not a cell phone, but our actual kitchen phone). When I arrived at Big Frog 104, there was the home phone on the front seat of my car.
An interesting study out of the University of Maryland shows that when teens have a "media blackout"--meaning no access to phones, TV or Internet--they start to suffer from withdrawal symptoms.