
Cities Across The U.S. Are Banning Sledding Due To Liability Risks
Cities Across The U.S. Are Banning Sledding Due To Liability Risks
Cities Across The U.S. Are Banning Sledding Due To Liability Risks
Growing up there was nothing more fun during the winter than sledding. We lived on a hill and my Dad would build a sledding course in our backyard. One year I went face first into some ice, but this never stopped me from continuing to sled. Cities across the U.S. are trying to be a little more careful in a sue happy world, they are banning sledding.
Hasbro Releases New “Snackable” Version of Monopoly
Hasbro Releases New “Snackable” Version of Monopoly
Hasbro Releases New “Snackable” Version of Monopoly
Are your kids too busy texting and playing video games to sit down to play a board game like "Monopoly"? The people at game-maker Hasbro get it and have released what is called a "snackable" version of their long time board game favorite and are calling it "Monopoly Empire". What do they mean by "snackable"?