Stranger Trying to Take CNY Farm From Family With Different Political Views
A stranger is trying to take a farm from a central New York family because she doesn't agree with their political views.
The Headline Farm, just south of Waterville has been in the Head family for 125 years. November 5th it's going on the auction block due to personal and financial problems, but Nicole Head is doing everything she can to save her home. "It breaks my heart to see all of my father and grandfathers hard work and dedication having to be taken away from them."
The Head family stopped milking five years ago and was forced to sell the cows. They now rent the farmland to other farmers in the area. Timothy Head had planned to start milking again, but he’s been going through a rough few years with a divorce and a heart attack this past July. "It is heartbreaking for our family, not only for my dad, but also my grandpa, who passed the farm on to my dad and us 5 children."
Nicole created videos on Tik Tok, showing her farmland, asking for help and help began to roll in. But so did the hate. A stranger from Georgia, who saw the viral video on Tik Tok, started collecting money so she could buy the 250 acres to hang BLM banners and grow marijuana, using the #Takethefarm, and all because of Nicole's political views.
Social media influences and celebrities are stepping up to help the Head family keep their farm.
Officer Kingery, a member of the Lawrence Indiana police department, who has appeared on Live PD since season 3, is not only throwing his support behind the Head family, he's putting his own money where his mouth is and encouraging his 1.2 million followers to do the same. "It makes me sick that people act like this. It's so childish," he said on Tik Tok.
The videos also caught the attention of Jon Dawson, who is encouraging his more than 600,000 followers to "help this lady out. It's crazy how people who think there's so much hate in the world end up being the hate. The only reason she's doing this is because Nicole is Republican."
The Hodge Twins, who have over 600,000 followers, have also stepped in to help, partnering with Nicole and her family to raise more money to save the farm.
Donations to help the Head family save the farm are coming in. "First time I have ever donated," said Andrew Simms who wanted to help "because of the hate I’ve seen from somebody trying to maliciously buy the land from under this family. I hate to say it, but that hate filled person is probably the reason that motivated me to donate."
Phyllis Wright is a first time donator too. "I have never given money to a go fund me before. I wouldn't have even now, but the unethical and unspeakable nastiness of someone actively working to harm a whole family of people they don't even know, as if its an okay thing to do, has hurt my heart."
William Gray donated because he says "human should also mean humane; thinking of others with the Hheart rather than the hate."
"The people that are lined up to reap from your hardship should be ashamed of themselves," said Michael R Ragheb.
The family needs $250,000 to save the farm, but Nicole says the more money they raise, the better the chance they have of getting a loan to cover the rest. "I’m not ready to stop fighting for this and I know I have so many amazing people supporting us and rooting for us."
Nearly $90,000 in donations has already come in. You can help by sharing to spread the word or by donation at GoFundMe, with Venmo (Nicole-Head-9), cash app ($NicoleHead) or PayPal (colehead2@gmail.com).
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