Some Adirondack Campgrounds Under a Bear Advisory
The summer of 2020 has brought us heat advisories, thunderstorm advisories, and now a bear advisory. Some Adirondack campgrounds, especially those near Tupper Lake have a bear nuisance problem.
The story first reported by The Adirondack Explorer says a mama bear and her two cubs are making live a bit uneasy for many campers. Most of the encounters have been reported near Horseshoe Lake campgrounds. While bear encounters in the Adirondacks aren't unusual, there does seem to be more of them this year.
DEC officials say more 1st time campers account for some of the increased nuisance reports as many newbies may not be aware of the bear population and the steps to prevent encounters. Read more on the story at Adirondack Explorer's website. Tips for reducing and avoiding bear encounters from the DEC is below.
- Keep your campsite as clean as possible. Take all garbage and recyclables to the recycling center each evening.
- Do not leave coolers or food out at any time. Store them securely in either the trunk of your car or in the cab of your truck.
- Keep windows shut and food and coolers out of sight. Where food lockers are provided, food and coolers must be stored and locked inside. Standard coolers are not bear resistant.
- Bear resistant coolers are available for purchase or rent from many local, national, and web-based outdoor recreation retailers.
Never keep food, coolers, or scented items in your tent. - Do not wear clothing to bed that was worn while preparing or eating meals.
- Treat all toiletries as food items. Toiletry products are heavily scented and are as attractive to bears as actual food.
- Clean up after all meals immediately. Keep grills, pots, pans, cooking utensils, and wash basins clean when not in use.
- Do not wash dishes or leave food debris under the water faucets.
- Do not put grease, garbage, plastic diapers, cans, bottles, or other refuse into the fireplace. These items do not properly burn and will attract bears with their odors.
More info on reducing bear conflicts at the DEC's website.

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