Severely Malnourished Dog Left to Die on Side of the Road in Central New York
The cruelty of humans never ceases to amaze me. Some lowlife left an emaciated dog on the side of the road to die in central New York.
The dog, that was named Zues, was found on the side of the road in Middleville, New York by a kindhearted family who brought him to the Herkimer County Humane Society. Despite rushing the poor pooch to a vet, he passed away from what the Humane Society calls obvious neglect. "Our Veterinarian feels he was 15+ years old and could not be saved due to the extent of his malnourishment and improper care."
The owner was identified after the Humane Society posted the sad story on Facebook. "Thank you to the special person for speaking up and providing necessary information."
The Herkimer County Cruelty Investigator is continuing to look into the case. "The lack of sustenance and general care that caused the dog's suffering and slow death for a substantial amount of time is unacceptable."
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