Rome Resident Selling Rare Collectible Item On Facebook
Are you looking to buy some rare collectibles or antiques? Look no further than the Facebook Marketplace in Rome New York.
Just note, this story is meant to be comical. We found this funny, and didn’t want to offend or upset you.
A poster is selling what he calls a rare collectible- a opened up bottle of Aunt Jemima syrup:
I have a rare collectors item that used to be a very common thing in any American household! You can’t find this stuff any where. Only slightly used on a big ok stack of flap jacks!! No low ball offers, I know what I have!!
This poster is willing to negotiate price.
UPDATE- as of 12:41PM on 6/22/2020, the item has been pulled off of Facebook.

Rome Isn't The Only City Doing This
If you search on Facebook, you'll find ads for this syrup all over New York from Buffalo to Albany.
This ad from Buffalo is far from perfect:
Aunt Jemima bottle with the original picture still on it. The only downfall is it’s half used."
This has a asking price of $90.
Can You Buy Real Aunt Jemima Antiques?
Currently on Facebook, other than endless puns about syrup, you can find antique Aunt Jemima cookie jars, buttons, and more. Proceed with caution, as a lot of those style ads appear to be spam or fake jars.
You Can Still Shop For Syrup
Before you buy any of these gems online, just know, you can still buy Aunt Jemima Syrup in any local grocery store or online. Just because the label is changing, doesn't mean the taste will.