Prepare for Possible Power Outages With 65 MPH Wind Gusts in Central New York
No one in central New York will disagree that so far, Spring blows. It's really going to blow today with gusts of 65 MPH that could knock out power. Are you prepared?
A High Wind Warning from 10am to midnight and heavy rains has National Grid preparing for possible outages and wants to make sure you're prepared too. Have several working flashlights, a battery-operated radio and an extra supply of batteries. You're also encouraged to charge cell phones before the storm to stay connected.
- Have a storm kit that includes water, food, radio, flashlight and cell phone. Get the full checklist from National Grid.
- Establish a 'safe room in a windowless interior room.
- Turn off swimming pool pumps and filters, and wrap them in waterproof materials.
- Turn your refrigerator and freezer to their coldest settings to keep food fresh longer.
- Turn off and unplug any unnecessary or sensitive electrical equipment.
- Use surge protectors.
- Charge the battery for your cell phone and laptop computers.
See the latest outages and an estimated time when it'll be restored at National Grid. You can report an outage and stay connected with texts, emails or on the National Grid app.
The worst of the wind will be this afternoon and tonight in central New York, giving you time to get ready for possible outages.
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