CNY Pool Owners Need To Watch Out For Asian Longhorn Beetles
If you own a pool here in Upstate New York, you may need to watch out for Asian Longhorn Beetles. The DEC is asking CNY to help in controlling this invasive pest.
The Department of Environmental Conservation explains that this is the time of year when the insects become active outside of the trees and they are infesting. If you feel you have one of these beetles in your pool, email pictures of suspected Asian longhorned beetles.
New York Upstate reports that these beetles are usually 1.5-inch beetles, black with white spots on their wing cases, and their black-and-white antennae can be twice as long as their bodies.
"Pool monitoring offers a simple, economical approach to surveying for Asian longhorned beetles and gives the public a chance to take an active role in protecting the trees in their yards and communities," DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos said in a news release."
Once again, if you feel you have them, email the DEC.
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