We think of plants as gifts around Mother's Day, but there are some that make perfect holiday gifts too. The Master Gardeners at Cornell Cooperative Extension have some suggestions that go beyond the traditional Poinsettia.

The Master Gardener Volunteers suggest tying a colorful ribbon around a potted plant or adding an attractive container to make a gift that can last beyond the holidays.  While you might be quick to think traditional poinsettia, Mary Wrege says, "dare to be different and consider these other holiday plants."

Christmas Cactus:

This plant starts blooming in late December and often continues until February or March. They are easy to find, and bloom in different colors. They like similar conditions as a poinsettia: bright light, but not direct sun with night temperatures around 65 degrees. With a little care, the plant will last the whole year, and can transition to the outdoors in summer.


Plants or bulbs are easily found in supermarkets and stores. A bulb will put forth a display of large, exotic blooms 5 to 6 weeks after planting. Consider different varieties and flower shapes by consulting with a local nursery or florist; use on-line sources to select unusual varieties.


This plant has attractive foliage that competes with the flowers for attention. If you treat this plant right, you will get a repeat performance of blooms. Resist the temptation to select a plant that is in full bloom; it's better to pick one with more buds than flowers. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and put the plant in a cool window that faces east or west.

Get more information on each flower with CCE's factsheets or contact the Horticulture Hot Line at 315-736-3394 Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am to noon.

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