We all have a box of items, usually sitting in a corner covered in dust, that we never use. It's often memorabilia we can't part with. Instead of keeping it hidden you can now light it up.

Turn that instrument you played in school, that record you couldn't stop listening to or that old skateboard you still have scars from into a lamp.

Custom Lights by Josh is making your memories new again. Josh Allen of Oneida is the brains behind the idea. And he's only 15 years-old. But Josh says he started creating years ago. "I made my first one when I was about 10. I was in my dad's workshop and I saw this stick and I was like 'I want to make a lamp out of it.' My dad says 'Ok we can do that."

Josh Allen
Josh Allen

Dad is Jeff Allen who gives all the credit to his son. "Josh has done most of the leg work with everything himself and is working hard out of an area I helped him set up in the back of our garage."

The stick lamp with dad was just the beginning. Josh says he's been finding inspiration everywhere ever since. "If I see stuff at garage sales or things around the house we don't use and I think it would look good in a light, I make it."

Josh has turned old cameras, a fire nozzle, a trumpet and even a checker board into lamps but there's one he won't part with. "I turned an old 1956 record player into a lamp and that one sits in my bedroom."

The custom lamps make great gifts and Josh says he's been giving them away to family. "I turned an electrical box into a lamp for my grandfather and gave it to him for Christmas." But his family aren't the only people interested. He recently started Custom Lights by Josh and says it's already been successful. "I've sold 5 lamps in the last few months."

Take a look at the Custom Lights by Josh. You can see more at his Facebook page where Josh even takes custom orders.


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