NYS Thruway Authority Invites Public To Comment On Toll Increases
The New York State Thruway Authority will hold three virtual public hearings regarding a proposal to adjust tolls and discuss other changes coming to cashless tolling on the thruway.
It appears that these changes will deal with the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge. If you'd like to participate, the meetings will be held virtually through Cisco WebEx events and streamed live online. You can find the link on the Thruways website. The authority also says that if do not wish to participate in the virtual public hearings, you may also submit comments by email.
The virtual public hearings will be held:
Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2020, 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. "
In order to provide comments at the hearing, registration is required.
According to the thruway authority, the hearing will begin with opening comments by the panelists and then the host will call the names of the speakers in order.
Anyone who disrupts the hearing or fails to observe common courtesy will be muted or removed from the hearing at the host’s discretion. We thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation."
Here's a look at the proposed toll changes:
Proposed Toll Adjustment On NYS Thruway
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