New York’s New American Legion Department Commander is from Rome, NY, with Ties to Utica Post
The New York State American Legion's new Department Commander is from Rome, NY.
U.S. Air Force veteran David Riley Sr. served from 1978 to 1982 and is a member of Henry Smith Post. He is the first Roman elected state commander in the NY American Legion's 104 year history. The news followed the annual Department Convention, which wrapped up this weekend in Binghamton.
Riley is the first Oneida County resident to hold the post in 25 years. Moses Hubbard of New Hartford (1931-1932) and Ronald Bertrand of Lee Center (1996-1997) are the other two.
Riley joined Utica Post 229 in 1995 and transferred to Smith Post in Rome in 2000. He is also a former Oneida County commander (2012-2013), and remains very active in veteran's circles, according to the announcement from the NY American Legion:
...has served as secretary/treasurer of the Rome Memorial Day Association and secretary for the Rome Veteran’s Council. He is a member of the Sons of the American Legion (18 years), the VFW Auxiliary, DAV, American Legion College of New York and National American Legion College Alumni associations, the Stanwix Veteran Men’s Club, Frank J. Steczko Post PAV, Forty & Eight Voiture Locale #1220, Rome Polish Home, Oneida County Past County Commanders Club, Smith Post 24 Past Post Commanders Club, and the NYSDOCS Emerald Society Mid-State Chapter.
The state legion commander is charged with visiting all counties around New York State to share The American Legion message of veteran advocacy and community involvement, officials say.