New York Farmer Creates Touching 9/11 Tribute With Patriotic Combine
A New York farmer is remembering the lives lost on 9/11 with a patriotic combine.
Dave Meisenzahl and his son Jeremy created the touching tribute in Monroe County, just west of the town of Honeoye Falls. "There’s no piece of farming equipment quite like this, a touching dedication to the events of September 11, 2001," says photographer John Kucko.
You can see the patriotic harvester outside the farm for the rest of the week. The farm is located on Rush-Lima Road (Route 15A). The intersection is very busy, so park near their roadside stand.
"It's the families way of keeping alive the memories of those lost that day," says Kucko.
The harvester will be busy in the next few weeks cutting soy beans and wheat.
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