A new law affecting credit card holders will soon take effect in New York.

Those hidden surcharges will soon be no more.

The consumer protection law will clarify credit card surcharges, providing better transparency and eliminating all those hidden fees that everyone is sick of paying.

“New Yorkers should never have to deal with hidden credit card costs, and this law will ensure individuals can trust that their purchases will not result in surprise surcharges,” Governor Hochul said.

man put the credit card into a reader

Consumer Protection Law Requirements

Businesses won't be able to charge extra if someone pays with a credit card anymore. Surcharges can only amount to what the credit card companies charge the business under the new law.

The total price must also be posted with the surcharge and with the cash option.


  • Listing the higher credit card price next to a lower cash price.
  • Listing the credit card price for items and services, then lets customers know they will receive a discount for using cash.
  • The business changes all prices to the credit card price.


  • Post a sign on the door and at the register stating an additional 3.9 percent surcharge will apply for credit card purchases.
  • “This business has a 4 percent cash discount incentive built into all pricing. Any purchases made with a credit or debit card will not receive the cash discount and a cost adjustment will be displayed on your receipt.”
  • A convenience fee, service fee, administration fee, non-cash adjustment, technology fee, processing fee, etc., is charged to credit card users and added as a separate line item on a customer receipt.
  • "The price tag of an item shows “$10.00, + 4 percent if paying with a credit card.”

The new law does not apply to debit cards and will take effect on Sunday, February 11.

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