Macy’s Marching On With Thanksgiving Day Social Distant Parade This Year
The coronavirus isn't stopping this year's Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, although it will change things.
Millions of people line the streets in New York City every year to watch the treasured tradition. To avoid gathering large crowds of spectators along the 2.5-mile route, the route is has been shortened to focus solely on the last section of our annual march.
On Thanksgiving Day, you can still see the signature balloons, floats, performances and the arrival of Santa Claus. The parade will take place in front of Macy’s famed flagship store on 34th Street for the national television special on NBC. To ensure a safe experience for all involved, we are not marching down the streets of Manhattan this year and instead will bring all the magic of this American tradition to you on television and online. "
Participants in the parade will be reduced by 75% this year and will be limited to those in the New York Tri-State area. Everyone will be socially distanced during performance and will be required to wear face masks. Regional High School and College Marching Band performances have been eliminated this year and will be deferred to 2021.
Macy’s signature giant balloons won't be flown wit the usual 80-100 people. This year, an innovative, specially-rigged anchor vehicle framework of five specialty vehicles will be used to fly the balloons. Check out this year's balloon lineup that includes Red Titan from Ryan's World that will swoop in and save the holiday season.
Tune into NBC on Thanksgiving Day from 9 a.m. to noon to see the reimagined celebration that kicks off the holiday season. "Millions of New Yorkers and the nation can safely experience Macy’s beloved spectacle from the comforts of home."
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