Local Firefighter Fighting For His Life
Anthony Pagliaro is fighting cancer but he's not fighting alone. The man known as Pags is a volunteer firefighter and has the support of every fire department in the area.
In February, Pags was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer that has now spread into several lymph notes. A fund has been set up to help Pags and his family cover medical costs at GoFundMe.com. If the fund reaches $6000, several firefighters have agreed to shave their heads. Tthey have a barber that has donated his time and they're going to be skinned. There's about a dozen of them and one is the chief, Don Kane' says Pags. Now THAT I'd like to see!
Pags isn't the only firefighter fighting cancer. Former Whitesboro chief brian McQueen was also diagnosed with the disease. That prompted the Barneveld Fire Department to set up Believe 271, a foundation 'to help all firefighters. It was meant to start small but erupted on Facebook with every fire department getting involved. Believe 271 stickers have been made and placed on helmets and fire apparatuses. Their slogan is 'no one fights alone,'' Pags explains.
In addition to the Go Fund Me drive, family and friends are holding a benefit for Pags on May 24, 2014. It'll be held at the VFW Post on 240 Wood Lane in Schuyler, NY from 12 till 6pm. There's a Chinese and live auction, entertainment, bounce houses, food and drinks.