Human hair has few enemies, but there are some. Split ends, extreme heat, and of course everyone's favorite, lice! Usually these little critters are treatable, but a new study has shown there are some lice in up to 25 states that have been discovered as untreatable by normal means.

According to a CNY Central report,

The resistance comes from three genetic mutations known as "knock-down resistance." The new study found lice with all three genetic mutations in 25 states. Intermediate levels of resistance were also found in four states, including New York.

Lice effects over 12 million American students between the ages of 3-11 each year, according to a CBS report. The best way to combat lice is to make sure you know how to prevent it. Here are some tips on how to avoid your child being affected by these pesky hair dwellers, according to

To reduce the chance of you or your child contracting a case of head lice, start by not sharing items that touch the head. Though it may be tempting to share personal belongings (especially for kids), doing so can lead to the spread of head lice. Avoid sharing:

  • combs and brushes
  • hair clips and accessories
  • hats and bike helmets
  • scarves and coats
  • towels
  • headsets and earbuds

One common misconception about lice is that dirty hair attracts them. That is false. Lice actually prefer cleaner hair due to the fact it's easier for them to travel through. For more information on the study, you can read the full CBS Report.

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