Recently, the government banned these Christmas decorations from being used in New York and the rest of America.

What Did The Federal Government Just Ban In New York?

Before you go bananas on blaming every political party under the Sun, remember when the government was trying to convince all of America to convert their bulbs from incandescent to LED bulbs?

A new policy adopted in 2022/2023 by the U.S. Energy Department (DOE) banned the sale of incandescent light bulbs not only here in New York State, but across the country. In their place, manufacturers and retailers have replaced incandescent bulbs with new LED bulbs, which last longer, provide more light, and last longer than traditional, old-school incandescent bulbs. (The DOE says LED lights provide 75% more light and last 25% longer than the more inefficient incandescent bulbs.)

So only LED are allowed and now. What about Christmas? What happens if you have incandescent Christmas lights? Well, you are violating their ban.

Is the government going to be checking Christmas decoration door to doo? We highly doubt it. Future Christmas decorations will be LED only. Honestly, that's all you will find in the stores anyways.

A little history lesson- since they were invented by Thomas Edison back in the late 1800s, you were able to buy incandescent light bulbs.

Not all incandescent light bulbs are banned as part of the new rule, according to ABC 7. Here's what manufacturers can still build and stores can continue selling:

Appliance lamps, including fridge and oven lights
Black lights
Bug lamps
Colored lamps
Infrared lamps
Left-handed thread lamps
Plant lights
Flood lights
Reflector lamps
Showcase lamps
Traffic signals
Some other specialty lights, including marine lamps and some odd-sized bulbs"

You can read more online here.

These Are The Most Festive Christmas Trees In All Of New York

In Upstate New York, where snowflakes dance through the crisp air, we truly have the most festive Christmas trees in New York State.

Gallery Credit: Dave Wheeler

51 Nights of Twinkling Lights Makes Up World's Longest Christmas Display

Millions travel to Niagara Falls for the Winter Festival of Lights to see the more than 3 million lights and spectacular fireworks displays that run from November 16, 2024, through January 5, 2025.

Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams

A Dozen Sparkling Christmas Festival of Lights in Upstate New York

Communities, big and small, all across Upstate New York hold drive-thru Festival of Lights each holiday season. Here are a dozen fun ones (and some you can walk through, too!)

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio



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