Idiot Golf Scramble To Benefit Smithfield Tornado Relief Efforts
Idiot Golf is back! It's golfing without golf clubs. You can use a baseball bat, tennis racket, hockey stick or anything else you can think of. It's all to benefit the Smithfield tornado relief efforts. Grab a team and join us at Heron Creek Golf Club Sunday September 21st at 2pm for a shotgun start.
WHAT: Idiot Golf Scramble
WHEN: Sunday September 21st at 2pm
WHERE: Heron Creek Golf Club in Clinton
WHY: Benefit Smithfield Tornado Relief efforts
COST: $35 per person includes golf, cart, lunch and prizes
Want to sign up? Call 315-768-9500 to book your team.
Take a look at what's come in already for door prizes.
We'll also have a 50/50 drawing and auction off a guitar autographed by Thompson Square, Tyler Farr and Trailer Choir. (foot not included)
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