Heavy Rains Lead to 11 People Being Rescued on New York River
Heavy rains lead to 11 people being rescued on New York river. Usually, when heavy rains bring about flash flooding, most of us think about needing to find alternative routes home because of road closures. But those downpours can lead to days of rapid currents on New York rivers too.
New York Forest Rangers and National Park Service Rangers were patrolling the Delaware River in the Town of Deerpark when one rescue led to another and then another. It all began with rafters notifying the patrol, two women were calling for help upstream.
A Lee Center women had her foot caught in a river obstruction. With the river level high and fast currents she was barely able to keep her head above the water. Meanwhile, her friend was fighting to keep control of their raft. Forest Ranger Richard Franke entered the water freed the woman's foot and got her back into their raft. Rangers then secure the raft and brought the two women on board their craft.
As they concluded the rescue, another raft with seven people became caught in the same fast currents. Ranger Franke secured their raft to a tree and each person was added to the National Park Service boat.
The Rangers got a brief break before a third party capsized their raft upstream and were swept into the water. The rescue of two more brought a total of 11 people rescued by the three Rangers on one Saturday afternoon.
While paddling a raft on a New York river seems like a relaxing and fun time, it can turn into a life-threatening danger when you're not aware of the conditions. Learn more paddling safety tips at the DEC's website.
SOURCE: NY Department of Conservation