Many of us try to survive on less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep daily.  And with warmer temperatures coming, we'll try to extend those waking hours even more to enjoy outdoor activities, the kids ball games and yard and garden work.  So it's no surprise that we're falling asleep at work.  Have you ever dozed off at your desk?  Or ducked into the bathroom stall for a quick cat nap?

A study by Virgin Pulse Institute says 15% of us fall asleep at work at least once a week, a whopping 40% once a month.  The reports says even when we go to bed we're not sleeping for a variety of reasons.

  • Their partner (71.9%)
  • Unwanted noise (68.6%)
  • Light – too bright (52.8%)
  • Mattress (40%)
  • Young children (35.9%)
  • Medical condition that disturbs sleep (10.2%)

I can remember my son banning me from his orthodonist's appointments because I always fell asleep in the waiting room.  What are some weird places you've fallen alseep?  Share your stories at the bottom.


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