Stay The Night In The Haunted Brae Loch Inn
Looking to stay the night in a haunted inn here in Central New York? Look no further than the beautiful Brae Loch Inn located in Cazenovia.
The Brae Loch Inn is a warm, inviting Scottish inn nestled beside picturesque Cazenovia Lake. Not only will you find amazing rooms to sleep in, you'll find amazing food too.
Is it haunted?
Haunted History Trail has several reports of the building being haunted. It doesn't appear to be evil spirits, but the spirits do roam the grounds:
Guests have reported a ghostly girl in a long blue dress offering to show them to their room. Other tales include a man and woman walking through closets and light orbs floating through canopy beds"
Pre-scheduled ghost tours are welcomed by reservation, as are professional ghost hunters. The Inn is also open year-round for those who would like to dine, stay, and enjoy a self-guided exploration. You can find out more on their website.
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