CNY Restaurant Calls Out Bad Reviewer & the Response Goes Viral
A Central New York restaurant called out a bad reviewer and the hilarious response has gone viral.
Gino's Cheesesteak and Onion in Fayetteville, New York is known for more than just its delicious food. They are also known for their brilliant social media posts. The latest one comes from a bad review Frank left. He seems to like the 'decent food' but has a problem with the restaurant itself and the people who work there.
"Felt like I needed to take a shower after pickup up food. Greeted by man behind the bar wearing a cap and what looked like a bathrobe."
Hilarious Response
Gino's came across Frank's frank review and had a few things to say. "First, let us start out by saying, you gave us 3 stars. Judging from the tone of the review, you could’ve scored us a lot lower and you didn’t – so thank you for that."
The employees felt they needed to let Frank know a few things about their restaurant too.
1. We wish the bar took up more space.
2. “is it a restaurant? Or a bar that serves food?” Why do you care so much? Why do you feel the need to pigeonhole us and put us in a box?
3. Some of our favorite regulars are truckers (DRAMATIC GASP, hope you’re near your fainting couch).
4. We have a wide variety of customers – the only thing we mandate here is an open mind. We feel this is an area of improvement you could work on. Maybe start out by not saying you need to “take a shower” because you’re standing in a room with someone who isn’t like you. It comes off a little bougie and privileged.
5. You can attack our restaurant and our customer base, but attacking our $200 handmade floor-length kimono? That is simply a bridge too far, good sir. Why would we not wear it? We look magnificent in it, thankyouverymuch.
Frank Invite
Frank has been invited to come back to the 'too big' bar and give Gino's another chance. "Have a beer next to someone you think is beneath you. We’ll even pay. You might be surprised and have a good time, but if not, you can still go home and take your shower."
The response was signed by "The Trashy People From Gino’s" who will be wearing the 'bathrobe' when Frank arrives.
New Lingo & New Customers
Unfortunately Frank hasn't taken Gino's up on their offer yet. But he has provided new lingo in the kitchen. "We hear our cooks shout 'Dude, you just franked it all up' at least 6 times a day."
Frank's bad review and the viral response have also brought in a lot of new customers to Gino's. The employees are even keeping track.
Now I want to become a new customer just because of Frank's post too. If you want to join me, you can visit Gino's at 511 East Genesee Street in Fayetteville, New York.
I also think whoever is in charge of Gino's social media deserves a raise. Their posts are BRILLIANT!