The sale of e-cigarettes are skyrocketing. They're marketed as a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes, but this picture tells a different story.

Michael Grummons from Oneonta was at a grocery store New York City when all of a sudden sparks were flying, his pants were on fire, it sounded like fireworks. The e-cig explosion gave him 1st degree burns and melted the tile in the store where it burned out on the floor. "I would have had third degree burns if I was wearing jeans. The fabric was light on the pants so it burned right out of them," explains Grummons.  "Thank god."

E-cigarettes will ultimately become regulated by the FDA just like hookahs, pipe tobacco, cigars, chewing tobacco and regular cigarettes, but what about warnings on the possibility of an e-cigarette exploding?  If they come into contact with water, bump up against another battery or in this case touch a penny, they can explode.

The battery, which was in Grummons' pants pocket, touched a penny and exploded. He went to the emergency room and says the doctors have never seen anything like this before. "It is scary with people flying (on airplanes) and not knowing about the reaction when the battery comes into contact with coins. You have to carry them on your person when flying. They need to educate people on the dangers of these things. They should at least be sold in plastic cases to carry them and contain a disclaimer."

MORE: The Tale of the Flying Cigarette Butt

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