Syracuse gets dissed in comedian Dave Chappelle's new Netflix special

During the special "The Age of Spin: Dave Chappelle Live at the Hollywood Palladium," Chappelle talks about doing two stand-up comedy shows in Syracuse in 2015.

During the performance at the Oncenter, Chappelle launched into a series of jokes about comedian Bill Cosby and the trouble surrounding Cosby.

That's when he was heckled and shouted at by a less-then-entertained Central New Yorker.

From the Netflix special:

"Well, yeah, for Syracuse, but the show didn't go so good... all because I was talking about Bill Cosby for a little bit. Not a little bit. I'll be honest. I talked about him for, like, maybe 25 minutes," he says.

"A woman stood up in the back of the room and screamed out, 'You are a f---ing a--hole for saying these things!'"

"I know," said Chappelle.

Cheppelle goes on to say he uses the jokes as a way of getting over the fact one of his comedic heroes "might have done something so heinous."

He then told the audience how the woman then rushed the stage and almost made it to him before being escorted out.

He says he still felt bed that an audience member wasn't enjoying the show.

You can catch 'Live at the Hollywood Palladium,' on Netflix right now, and the Syracuse mention is about 49 minutes into the show., who originally reported the story, has reached out to the Oncenter for comment, but has yet to hear back.




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