Central New York Abandoned Animals of All Sizes Need Help
You would have to be really cold-hearted not to be saddened by all the recent news about mistreated dogs. Circumstances may prevent you from being able to adopt a shelter pet or make monetary donations, but it doesn't mean you can't still have a meaningful impact on their lives. Here's how you can make a difference.
Leatherstocking Veterinary Group, which operates animal clinics in Marcy, New Berlin, Oneonta, Cooperstown, and Edmeston, is kicking off a month-long campaign to collect items for several local animal shelters. They're calling it "Christman in July," because even the smallest donation can make a difference in an animals life.
The collected items will be given to the following shelters:
Needed items include food and bedding for the animals, cleaners, and office items for operating shelters that are usually on shoestring budgets. Here are some suggested items:
Dry and canned pet food and treats
Towels and blankets
Kitty litter boxes
Puppy or kitten formula and nursing bottles
Collars, leashes, and harnesses
Grooming supplies
Pet toys (non-edible dog toys such as Nylabone and Kong)
Crates and carriers
Paper towels and cleaning supplies
Hand wash, sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes
Laundry detergent and bleach
Dog and cat beds
Flea and tick treatment, such as Revolution, Advantage, Advantix, and Frontline
Copy paper, pens, pencils, post-it notes, staples, Sharpie permanent markers and Expo markers
Heavy-duty garbage bags, gallon Ziploc bags, mops, brooms, and sponges
Food bowls or livestock water buckets
Rubber and latex gloves
Cat scratching pads and posts
In addition to the items listed above, Spring Farm Cares also needs items associated with housing horses, goats, pigs, and other large animals. Items can be dropped off at any of Leatherstocking's locations. Get more info on their website or call us at 607-847-9990.
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