The ongoing saga continues between the City of Utica and Anita's Stevens Swan Humane Society. The mayor has spoken and now the humane society is responding.
Mayor Michael Galime of the City of Utica did not pull any punches when addressing the issue of one local humane society discontinuing their longstanding relationship with the city.
The American Badger, is known for its distinctive black and white facial patterns, as it primarily makes its home in grasslands and open forest areas. But are they in New York?
Caring for a pet is one of the biggest responsibilities a person or family can undertake. It takes a lot of care, attention and even money to properly care for your furry friend. A new study shows that New York State is one of the most costly states in the nation to own a cat or dog.
Want more than just a dog or a cat as a pet? Need something a little more exotic to match your personality? There are some animals you can legally have as pets in New York.
If you think this doesn't sound like a real problem, you clearly haven't heard the sound of a woodpecker, pecking away at your home. This week, my family got to endure the experience and it made sleeping through the alarm, impossible.