Bottoms up! Beer and hard cider ice cream are finally coming to New York stores.

Governor Cuomo signed a bill adding beer and hard cider ice cream to the law that legalized wine ice cream. It limits the percentage of alcohol to no more than 5% and requires a label indicating the product contains alcohol. Oh and you have to be at least 21 to buy it.

You can try it first at Gilligan's in Sherburne, an ice cream stand that lobbied for the change. Brothers Andy and Mike Lagoe tell New York Upstate, they hope to have the ice cream at the New York State Fair this Summer.

Gilligan's has three flavors to choose from -
Ice Cream Ale - made with a dark malty ale
Bavarian Chocolate - made with chocolate beer
Double Buzz - made with coffee beer

Senator James Seward, who sponsored the bill says it's a win/win for New York State. “Both the dairy and craft beer/cider industries are key contributors to our agriculture economy. By combing the two, we are able to capitalize on homegrown New York ingredients with the creation of a cool new, innovative product.”


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