An Open Letter To the Selfish Ones Still Not Staying Home to Stop the Spread
Hey you. The ones playing basketball in Utica. Have you not heard? There's a virus sweeping the globe that's killing people. And you're the reason it's spreading!
You may think you're Superman but you're not immune. Even worse - you can spread COVID-19 to someone who's immune system isn't protected by super powers. Maybe someone you love.
It's not just in Utica either. A group of people in Syracuse were called out by Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon after a picture was sent to his office showing a group partying at the Radisson golf course. Social distancing is not a suggestion, but a requirement. "We are now asking the public to call 911 if you are witnessing the types of social interaction that could keep the virus here longer," McMahon said in his daily briefing.
Basketball hoops in Syracuse are coming down. Maybe they should be removed in and around Utica/Rome too.
In Rome, Mayor Jackie Izzo renewed the Local Emergency Order. "City of Rome basketball courts, tennis courts, soccer fields, baseball fields, playground equipment and skate park shall not be used by the public."
We understand you have a lot of free time on your hands and want to enjoy the nice weather on the courts with your buddies or whatever it is you do to pass the time. But understand this. This isn't an 'old person' virus like you young whipper snappers seem to think it is. It's not prejudiced. It infects young and old. Men and women. Black and white. No one is immune. Including you.
The sooner everyone stays home, or 6 feet apart, to stop the spread, the sooner we can all get back to doing what we do.