51 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re From Utica/Rome
Central New York is unique and there are a number of things that you'll only understand if you live in the 315.
We went to social media with the phrase 'You haven't lived in Utica/Rome until _______________,' asking listeners to fill in the blank. The answers included food, road conditions, weather and sarcasm.
Check out the top 51 things only people living in Utica and Rome will understand.
1. You've had a halfmoon
2. You know what riggies are and who makes the best
3. You know greens aren't just on golf courses
4. You've seen a bull roaming the parkway
5. You've had a slice of tomato pie
6. You've paid the highest taxes
7. You've seen the Honor America days in Rome
8. You've eaten a turkey joint
9. You've made it around the roundabout on Genesee Street without an accident
10. You know when the sun shines in the winter it changes your whole day
11. You wear shorts and a t-shirt one day and you're shoveling snow the next
12. You see rainbow jamming his guitar
13. You can count 5 jails, 16 banks, and 21 dollar stores in a 1/2 hour ride
14. You know Ferlos Bakery
15. You look forward to the Utica Rome speedway races
16. You've been to Saranac Thursday
17. You're wearing a coat at 8am and shorts at 3pm
18. You buy jelly buns from Holland Farms
19. You remember going to Nichols plaza
20. You know what "Quiggly's" was and had their grilled cheese
21. You remember the Pie Stand
22. You enjoy salt potatoes
23. You move back from North Carolina and the first thing you buy is a Stewart's coffee
24. You're broke
25. You've seen the inside of a Utica or Rome cop car a time or three
26. You're taken part in the Boilermaker
27. You go to an awesome hockey game at the "Aud"
28. You don't bother to remove the snow brush from your car
29. You remember Mr. Softies Ice Cream Truck
30. You've been to Voss's
31. You've experienced all four seasons in the same week
32. You've been to Varick Street for St Patrick's Day
33. You've lost or won money at Turning Stone Casino
34. You've seen the largest watering can at the Utica zoo
35. You've been up Heart Break Hill
36. You've frozen in the Heart Run/Walk
37. You love river rat cheese curds
38. You're driving down city streets and hit pothole after pothole and then read another stupid roundabout is being planned for the city
39. It's 12 degrees and kids are waiting for the bus in shorts
40. You can remember Angelo's Pizza
41. You go to O'Scugnizzo Pizzeria every Friday night since the day you were born
42. You laugh at other states that say they were hit with a lot of snow and it's under a foot
43. You remember Fric n Fracs
44. You don't roll down your window for anyone
45. You know how delish Franklin Hotel is
46. You know where Central New York is really located in the state
47. You have to correct out of towners who assume you live in New York City
48. When this question makes you sing the jelly bun song
49. You go ice fishing on Delta in May
50. You're excited when its 35 degrees
51. You count down till spring every morning by driving by the Nicky Doodles sign