2017 NY State Fair Butter Sculpture ‘Salutes’ NYS Troopers
It's something New Yorkers look forward to every year as the Great New York State Fair rolls around. The Butter Sculpture. This year's sculpture is all about honoring the New York State Police.
This year's butter sculpture is called "Dairy Farmers' Tribute to New York State Troopers," and features two sides. One side is a depiction of Troopers Daniel Skiba and Michal Leggio with a calf that was born at the 2016 NYS Fair. The calf was named 'Trooper.' The second side of the sculpture shows a Trooper assisting a lost child.
2017 is the 100th anniversary of the New York State Police and what better way to celebrate than with one of New York's most popular sculptures at one of the state's most popular events.
The sculpture was carved by the same duo that has carved every butter sculpture for the fair since 2003, Jim Victor and Marie Pelton of Pennsylvania.