11-Year-Old Boy Spreads Love After Mass Shooting with El Paso Challenge
Spread love. That's the message an 11 year-old boy is sharing with the #ElPasoChallenge.
Rose Gandarilla's son Ruben Martinez III was struggling to make sense of the tragic mass shooting in El Paso, Texas. "My son has been having some bad anxiety," she shared on Facebook. "He came to me asking if I would help him do the #ElPasoCHALLENGE."
Martinez says in a hand written letter, the purpose of the challenge is "to honor the people who got killed in our city."
How: "Do 20 good deeds for each other." When Martinez first came up with the #elpasoChallenge, 20 people died. That number has increased to 22.
Examples in Martinez's letter include simple gestures like mowing someone's lawn, visiting a nursing home, holding the door, taking flowers to someone in the hospital or leaving a dollar on the vending machine. It's all to "show the world people from El Paso, Texas are kind and care for each other."
The message is spreading, with thousands taking on the challenge. And not just in Texas. "Why stop in El Pas?" Jessica Lyn asked on Facebook. "Challenge accepted in CNY."
Veronica Williams is taking the challenge international. "Lets go Germany! Challenge accepted."
Names of 22 victims in El Paso shooting:
Jordan Anchondo
Andre Anchondo
Arturo Benavides
Angie Englisbee
Javier Amir Rodriguez
Maria Flores
Paul Flores
Juan de Dios Velázquez Chairez
Ivan Filiberto Manzano
María Eugenia Legarreta Rothe
Gloria Irma Márquez Juárez
Elsa Mendoza de la Mora
Jorge Calvillo García
Adolfo Cerros Hernández
Sara Esther Regalado
Alexander Gerhard Hoffman
David Alvah Johnson
Maribel Loya
Margie Reckard
Theresa Sanchez
Angelina Silvis-Elisbee
Leonard Cipeda Campos
Challenge accepted Martinez! I'll use your idea of leaving a dollar on the vending machine in honor of Maria Flores.
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