Young Boy Spends Quarantine Baking, Raising Money for CNY Zoo
Kids all across Central New York spent their quarantines trying to find ways to keep busy while away from their classrooms. 10-year-old Joey Zaccaria from Liverpool spent his quarantine baking his days away, and after fulfilling dozens of orders, he donated the profits to one of his favorite places - the Rosamond Gifford Zoo!
Joey, a student at Soule Road Elementary, posted offers for his homemade assortments of cookies, brownies and blondies on his neighborhood's Facebook page, and had to quickly get to work. According to the Rosamond Gifford Zoo, Joey only asked for a $5 donation for a dozen of his sweet treats, but many of his customers generously donated more.
Three and a half weeks and 35 dozen treats later, Joey raised $525 for the Rosamond Gifford Zoo.
He took his big hunk of cash and put it right into the zoo's Adopt an Animal program, where he symbolically adopted the zoo's meerkats, red pandas, Amur leopards, Komodo dragons, and green tree pythons.
Joey will be featured as a Young Philanthropist in the zoo's next issue of MyZoo Magazine thanks to his thoughtful use of time in quarantine. Way to make lemonade out of lemons, Joey!
Money raised through the zoo's Adopt an Animal programs is put toward projects for the animals, including habitat improvements, special animal enrichments, research, training and more. Read more about becoming a "zoo parent" on the Rosamond Gifford Zoo's website.