You Won’t Believe What Polly Forgot to Pack for Vacation
Usually when you go on vacation you over pack. For the first time I under packed and you won't believe what I forgot.
After a 22 hour drive, the first thing I wanted to do was wash the road grime off and it wasn't until I got out of the shower I realized I didn't pack any underwear. Who the hell forgets to pack underwear? This gal.
Off to the store we went to buy underwear, where 2 packs of 3 costs $55. I had to look around to see if I was at Victoria Secret. FIFTY FIVE dollars for 6 pairs of underwear. I told the cashier to forget it, I'd go to Walmart, where I found 10 pair for less than 10 bucks. I also found suntan lotion, which I also forgot to pack and forgot to use on my nose that I burned the first day.
What have you forgot to pack on vacation?
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