Where To Get Central New York Raised and Produced Meats
Off the top of your head, you could probably name 2 or 3 places to get locally grown fruit and vegetables. But what about places to get locally raised and processed meats? Not so easy is it? Here's how to figure it out, try samples and it's all free.
Buy local, grill local is the theme behind the Taste of Central New York Meat and Greet. Cornell Cooperative Extension and North Star Orchards are hosting the event July 24 from 4 p.m. to 7 p. m. at North's Stars location on Route 233 in Westmoreland.
Locally raised and produced meats will be available to sample for free and entry to the event doesn't cost anything either. So it's a great way to find the freshest product and all processed under USDA inspection. And if you find something you like you can make a purchase at the event.
Get more information and register at CCE's website or contact Marylynn Collins (315) 736-3394 Ext. 132 or email:mrm7@cornell.edu
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