When Men Were Men and Clinton Became Hockeytown
That headline doesn't mean hockey still isn't king in Clinton, you'll rarely find an open parking spot at the Clinton Arena on any day of the week. But 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of hockey getting its start in the village, and the Clinton Historical Society is showcasing some of the priceless memorabilia from days gone by.
The Clinton Hockey website states that hockey started when "the Atheltic Director at Hamilton College flooded a tennis court in 1918." Earlier this month, Clinton celebrated "Allen Prettyman" days commemorating the day he let the water flow. The historical society exhibition is part of that celebration running through the end of March.
Their displays include the construction of two arena's, the Town-Gown Team of 1946 and of course the legendary 1967-68 Comets team. The exhibit is open Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 1 - 4 p.m.
The Society also just recently started a YouTube Channel where they are sharing some very rare footage, including a tour of their current Clinton Hockey Exhibits. The video above is hockey action from 1939. including what appears to be some instructional examples. Now, these are some manly men. Not only playing outdoors with limited clothing and padding but no helmets or facemasks for the goalies.
They're also looking for other residents to share any memories, photos or videos they have from back in the day. Share yours at the website, Thank You Albert Prettyman.com
SOURCE: Clinton Historical Society & Clinton Hockey
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