A Central New York musician is getting national attention after performing on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallen.

Darryl Rahn is from Utica. Surprisingly, Fallon has not only heard of it, but he's also a big fan. "Oh my gosh. I love Utica."

Rahn took part in Battle of the Instant Songwriters, a segment where two people in the Tonight Show audience are given a fake song title and an hour. They have to write an original song and perform it on the show.

Credit - Tonight Show via YouTube
Credit - Tonight Show via YouTube

2023 Go to the Gym For Me

The title Rahn had to work with was 2023 Go to the Gym For Me. And this is what he came up with....

Woke up New Year's Day
Looked down at my phone
At all the pretty people
Getting ripped and getting toned
I was filled with inspiration
Then I turned on my TV
It's 2023
Go to the gym for me
The membership's expensive
Plus its way too far to walk
And picking up my clothes
Technically counts as a squat
But I think it's amazing
That you're doing pilates
It's 2023
Go to the gym for me
Why would I get on a treadmill
When I could simply sit still
Just breathing in the steam of mac & cheese
Maybe I will do a crunch in '24
But it's 2023
So go to the gym for me

Credit - Tonight Show via YouTube
Credit - Tonight Show via YouTube

Rahn Wins

The crowd overwhelmingly chose Darryl as the Battle of the Instant Songwriters winner. He was presented with an I Love Music sweatshirt and a Tonight Show notebook to write more winning songs that included a $1,000 check.

Rahn called the moment "truly insane."

You can watch Rahn's winning performance in the video at the top of the page.

Seven Times Saturday Night Live Attacked Upstate NY

Saturday Night Live may be "live from New York" every week, but that doesn't mean the show is always kind to those who live in New York, and these are seven times they attacked Upstate New York.

Click the red title of each photo in order to watch the full sketch on YouTube.

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