Tiny Santas Spread the Magic of Christmas to Forgotten Seniors in CNY
It truly is better to give than receive. Just ask 6-year-old Nataliya & 4-year-old Bentlee who spread the magic of Christmas to seniors often forgotten during the holidays.
Nataliya wrote to us, asking to be a Santa for a Senior. Here's her letter that will melt your heart.
My 4-year-old brother, Bentlee and I would like to do Santa for Seniors. We don't want anyone to be alone for Christmas. We want everyone to be happy. We would like to pick one man and one woman. My grandma Becky and my Aunt Tracy are going to help us make the two seniors a great Christmas. We can't wait to learn who our seniors are so we can start shopping for them!
Thank you,
Nataliya Marriott
age 6 (almost 7 in December)
Every year the Oneida County Office for Aging supplies a book filled with hundreds of seniors who are alone for the holidays. We help find Santa's for every senior to make sure they get a little something for Christmas.
Nataliya and Bentlee didn't want anyone to be forgotten. They chose three seniors to shop for. They even wrapped the gifts themselves. "We did have a little help" admitted Nataliya.
Giving back is nothing new for the Morehouse family. "Our family usually helps out during the holidays," said aunt Tracy. "We take angels off the trees to help kids but they wanted to help seniors this year."
"We want to do it again next year," Nataliya said as she and her brother dropped off bags of gifts for their seniors who will all have something to open for Christmas and know they are not forgotten.
Shopping for Seniors
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