The Show Goes on For Madison Vandenburg Who Makes American Idol Top 6
Madison Vandenburg is well on her way to becoming the next American Idol. The Cohoes, New York teen survived another week, moving into the Top 6, after getting 2 standing ovations during 'Queen' night.
Madison delivered what judge Luke Bryan called the best performance of the season with 'The Show Must Go On' for her first song. "You changed the whole game," said Bryan. "That's your best performance so far and maybe the best vocal performance we've heard."
Madison joined Jeremiah Lloyd for 'A Million Dreams,' a pairing many believe will be in the finals, including Lionel Richie who didn't come right out and say it. But many knew what he was trying to say. Madison and Jeremiah could be your final two. "You have been the voices. The two of you together, I was trying to imagine what that's going to be like. It's unbelievable."
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