The Runaway Bull of New York Has Finally Been CapturedThe Runaway Bull of New York Has Finally Been CapturedNO BULL: What will happen to the famed bull on the loose now? HopkinsHopkins
How Hard is it to Catch a Bull on the Loose in NY Over a WeekHow Hard is it to Catch a Bull on the Loose in NY Over a WeekIt's not easy to catch a bull. Just ask the New Yorkers who've been trying to catch one for over a week. Tad PoleTad Pole
Bull Still on the Loose in Vernon, Bartholomew Park Still ClosedBull Still on the Loose in Vernon, Bartholomew Park Still ClosedThe hunt continues for the bull that is on the loose in Vernon.PollyPolly
Aggressive Bull on the Loose in VernonAggressive Bull on the Loose in VernonBe advised! There's an aggressive bull on the loose in Vernon. PollyPolly