In the battle of Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts have filed a lawsuit against the Boy Scouts for dropping the word "boy" in an effort to attract girls.
When you think of Thanksgiving you can't help but think about turkey. It's also a day to spend time with family. Some people in our local community don't have family or food for this holiday and that is why there are organizations like the Rome Rescue Mission. A local Boy Scouts Troop through a generous alumni donation was able to donate over 40 birds, but they are still in need of more.
A vital part of the boy scouting community for the past 100 years will soon be no more. Camp Russell on White Lake is being closed and put up for sale but Scout alum John Stephens is hoping to keep it open. He's started a petition to save Camp Russell.
Last week, the Boy Scouts of America reaffirmed its longstanding policy of banning gays from being scouts or scout leaders.
Now a number of straight men who’ve received the group’s highest honor — the ranking of Eagle Scout — are returning their medals in protest.