Some movies stand the test of time and you can watch them repeatedly.  And like opinions, we all have different ones.  For Tad, it's usually the senseless ones, while Polly prefers humor and romance.  Click to check out our faves and tell us yours.

Tad's Top 3 Movies

These 3 movies are on my DVR ready to go anytime.


It starts with "Anchorman." Maybe from my days as a newsman or the fact that I've known a lot of news people like Ron Burgundy.


I love "Dodgeball" for all the great one-liners and it's that story of good beating evil.


Finally, "Stripes" another great movie for one-liners and while 1981 may not qualify as yesteryear, it was a simpler time in my life.

Polly's Top 3 Movies

Dirty Dancing

When I was kid I use to beg my mom to rent 'Dirty Dancing' every time we went to the movie store. It probably would have been cheaper just to buy the movie.

Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman was another movie I watched more times than I can count.  There were so many classic lines, including the shopping scene where she went back to the shop that snubbed her and asked 'You work on commission right? Big mistake. Big, huge. I have to go shopping now.'

The Hangover

I went into The Hangover thinking it was going to be another stupid guy movie and I was going to hate it.  However, it was one of the funniest movies I've ever watched and will tune in every time it's on.

What's your favorite movie you could watch over and over.

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