Sign Up Now For Help Paying Central New York Heating Bills
No matter how you heat your home, New York offers assistance with the Home Energy Assistance Program. Help is available for monthly bills, payments for a bulk supply of fuel, or in an emergency situation if you're in danger of having utilities shut off or are running out of fuel.
Enrollment in the program is now open and even if you don't need the assistance right now, but anticipate you may later, you should sign up now and determine if you're eligible. Assistance is available when heating your home with the following sources:
- Electricity
Natural Gas
Wood/Wood Pellets
Assistance is based on income, household size, and household members under the age of 6 or over 60. You can get more information at the New York State website, or contact the local Home Energy Assistance office.
Utica Office:
Oneida County Department of Social Services
800 Park Avenue
Utica, NY 13501
Phone: (315) 798-5559
Days Open: Monday - Friday
Rome Office:
Oneida County Department of Social Services
300 West Dominick Street
Rome, NY 13440
Phone: (315) 338-0240
Days Open: Monday - Friday
Here's the list of offices for every county in New York.
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